Detailed information about SWIFT code CCEICMCXGRA
Label | Details |
Bank/Institution: | AFRILAND FIRST BANK |
City: | GAROUA |
Branch Name: | N/A |
Bank Code: | CCEI |
Location Code: | CX |
Branch Code: | GRA |
Country Name: | Cameroon |
Country Code: | CM |
Swift code bread down
Bank Code CCEI is assigned to AFRILAND FIRST BANK
Country Code The country code CM is assigned to Cameroon
Location code CX is the location code
Branch Code GRA represents the Branch code
A SWIFT/BIC (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication/Bank Identifier Code) is a unique identification code for financial and non-financial institutions. These codes are used for international transactions between banks and financial institutions to ensure secure and accurate communication and transfer of funds. Here's a breakdown of a SWIFT/BIC code:
Bank code A-Z
First 4 letters representing the bank. It usually looks like a shortened version of that bank's name.
Country code A-Z The next 2 letters after the ank code representing the country the bank is in.
Location code 0-9 A-Z The location code is a two-digit alphanumeric code that specifies the city or region of the bank. It is the 7th and 8th characters of a Swift code
Branch code 0-9 A-Z 3 digits specifying a particular branch. 'XXX' represents the bank’s head office.